Welcome to Moda Fabrics!
and the ribbon goes to...
and the ribbon goes to...
Nov 20 2012 - 10:48
The dust has settled a bit since Quilt Market 2012 but our pride on winning the best Multiple booth continues to shine on.
We have had so many questions regarding the booth that we thought
we would ask Holly Hickman to fill us in on the process of designing
this year's prize winning booth.

We have had so many questions regarding the booth that we thought
we would ask Holly Hickman to fill us in on the process of designing
this year's prize winning booth.

The theme my favorite color is moda started it all. One of the
moda sales people wrote
in and told us how she was introduced
at one of her stops to
the customers in the store.
One customer immediately said,
"Moda is my favorite color."
We thought that said it all.
moda sales people wrote
in and told us how she was introduced
at one of her stops to
the customers in the store.
One customer immediately said,
"Moda is my favorite color."
We thought that said it all.

Cheryl Freydberg, VP of Design, Mark Dunn, President,
Holly Hickman, Design & Marketing, Lissa Alexander, Director of Marketing
How many paint sticks did you paint?
I hated to keep track. I know it was at least 1500 give or take a few that
broke during the drilling process.
What do you mean by drilling process?
I drilled a hole in each paint stick to be able to add string and hang it from the cross beams.
What colors and type of paint did you use?
I used 14 colors of Valspar 8 Fl oz color samples from Lowes. Varying shades of reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, purple even gray. These samples are all ready mixed you just pick the colors you like and only cost a few dollars (craft paints would work just as well).
Where did you get all those paint cans?
Paint cans came from EmptyPaintCans.com http://www.emptypaintcans.com/.
How did you put that paint drip along the edge?
Placed paint in a squeeze bottle, ran a thick bead of paint around the top rim of paint can, placed paint can on a drop cloth and let paint run down sides of can.
Any other details you want to share for anyone wanting to do a display using this concept?
I like order so all the paint cans and sticks are in a rainbow color order.
Quantity is important you need more than one to make visual impact, groupings make a bolder statement.You could also hang cheap paint brushes that have been dipped in
paint to mix in with the paint sticks, or hang just paint brushes.
These could be fun projects for kids to do while there mothers or grandmothers are taking a quilting class. You could also have Bella solids spilling out of several paint cans.
Use the drop cloth from these painting projects as a table cover or tape to the wall with painters tape to create a unique backdrop stacking paint cans and hanging stir sticks in front of.
There is only 2 days to set all this up? Did you worry about making it all happen?
I rehearsed it over and over in my sleep, or lack of sleep. What if I forgot something? I did have a lot of help with the set-up crew assuring me that it would be okay. They were right, it was great!
The table covers and chair covers were adorable.
How did you come up with that idea?
The paint section at Lowe's. I've always love the simplicity
of paint chips, tints and shades of a color.
Holly has already started on the next Market preparation.
I will give you a clue.
It doesn't involve paint but it does involve
her favorite color, Moda.