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How to Bake a {Layer} Cake
How to Bake a {Layer} Cake
Today we are exploring one of the latest and certainly greatest notions for precuts - Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. Cake Mix Recipe cards! I'm going to experiment with using these recipe cards to dabble in quilt design and I hope you will join in the fun.
There are four Cake Mix Recipes available, simply named 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each version contains 45 recipe cards, which are printed tissue paper with pinning, piecing, and cutting instructions. Each card can be used to make up to six different types of quilt blocks. The inside cover of the Cake Mix gives some Basic Baking Techniques (like no starch, pressing tips, etc.) It also provides a setting layout, giving the finished size with and without sashing and borders. Basically, each Cake Mix has all you need make a quilt - just add fabric! To get a feel for how to use Cake Mix cards, check out {this page} with a video and instructions, as well as a few patterns to inspire.
STEP ONE. Make several photocopies of the cover of your Cake Mix recipe card. I'm going to play around with all four of them today, but you can have a lot of fun with just one! You may choose to enlarge the graphic or scan and crop away all of the other parts. I kept it simple and just made lots of copies of each and used an old rotary blade to trim them neatly apart. (The scrap paper makes perfect scribble sheets for the small people in your life!)
STEP TWO. Play around with the pieces. Mix and match different recipe cards. Cut apart into smaller components. The possibilities are practically endless!
Play with opposites
Mix and Match
Mix two recipes together
Use the building blocks!
What a fun way to plan a quilt. Tell us what you think about Cake Mix. Are you planning to give them a try?