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Stitch Pink Block 20
Stitch Pink Block 20
The names for a few of these Stitch Pink blocks presented a real challenge. Straight strips, small squares, the block is originally titled "Chimneys and Cornerstones"... not much sparks an idea. Chimneys. Chim Chim Cher-ee?
Chim chiminey
Chim chim cher-oo!
Good luck will rub off when
I shakes 'ands with you
Or blow me a kiss
And that's lucky too
With the lyrics and this emoji... it was a sign. Blow Me A Kiss. Block 20.
Block Instructions >> Block 20 - Blow Me A Kiss.
This block goes together easily, but not quickly. By that, I mean that twenty small squares are stitched to both ends of ten strips. Fast-piecing would be nice, but chain-piecing is as good as it's going to get.
Also, strips cut on the crosswise grain will have a little bit of "stretch", that's the nature of a straight weave. So with log cabin-style blocks like this, I measure after every round - row - is added. That lets me know if the block is "growing". If it is, I can adjust before proceeding, either by re-stitching the strips, or by trimming the block. If it's off, it's probably by only a sliver.
Do you have the patterns for all twenty Stitch Pink 2020 blocks? If not, they're all saved here - Stitch Pink Archive.
We hope you've checked #ModaStitchPink on Facebook and Instagram, and shared a few of the blocks you've made.
Have a good day!